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Keanu Reeves looks scruffy at the Cloud Atlas premiere: would you hit it?

I tend to forget that Keanu Reeves is a “Forever Dong” for many of you. I like Keanu a great deal, but he’s a genuinely private celebrity, which means that there’s rarely good gossip about him these days, and there usually isn’t an opportunity to write about him. But Keanu was out last night to support his Matrix buddies, Andy & Lana (formerly Larry) Wachowski at their LA premiere of Cloud Atlas. Keanu looked great! Even with his mild alopecia barbae (scruffy beard). So, enjoy your Forever Dong. PS… Keanu is not IN Cloud Atlas, he just came to the premiere to support his friends.

Here’s Tom Hanks (who is in the film) and his wife Rita Wilson. I don’t love Tom with a mustache, but I love Tom in general, so I’ll take this version of him. I don’t like Rita’s hairstyle.

Speaking of unconvincing mustaches, um… here’s Jim Sturgess. I’ve never been into him, but I have had moments where I thought, “Wow, he looks like a too-pretty pillow-weeper.” This is not one of those times. (“Pillow-Weeper” = the kind of dude who cries after sex.) This mustache is totally 1970s. He looks like a sleazy 1970s pimp in a Dirty Harry movie. PS… Why does he actually look like he’s been crying? PILLOW WEEPER 4 EVA.

And here’s one of my forever dongs, British actor James D’Arcy. This guy… I love him. He’s right up there with Benedict Cumberbatch for me, and I relish the chance to talk about him or post photos of him. He has a major role in Cloud Atlas, and I hope to see more of him in years to come. THIS is my type – tall, English, dark hair and light eyes, lanky frame. This is my Dong Kryptonite.

Photos courtesy of WENN.
